First and foremost, I'm a father and a husband. I recently retired from a wonderful career of teaching Biology at Summit High School in Summit New Jersey (my home town).
Those who know me best think of me as a fisherman and an outdoor enthusiast. And When I retired in 2019, I began working our Lavender farm "Nyala Farm" in earnest. Covid 19 prevented me from some of my fishing pursuits and freed up time to increase my pursuit of artwork!
It doesn't take long to see what I'm passionate about... Fish and fishing. My inspiration artists include Ogden Pleissner, Peter Corbin, and Guy Harvey. Their brand of art is known as "Sporting art" and I love it...
I freely admit that I really don't know what I am doing (when it comes to painting) but I'm eager to learn. I have enrolled in art classes and have even been in a show at my local arts center where I sold my first 4 pieces. This website will become my venue for further sales and will be where I document my growing resume.
Thank you for visiting and supporting. Please feel free to contact me with comments, suggestions for subjects (to paint) and just to say "hi".